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Registration of an old vehicle in France

Passage in a vintage vehicle

Is your vehicle 30 years old or more? Do you want to buy an old car?

Did you know that it is possible to request the addition of the mention collection to the gray card of your land motor vehicle: car, motorcycle, truck, cyclo, agricultural tractor, trailer or military vehicle?

The advantage of this inexpensive approach is to obtain the mention “collector’s vehicle” on your registration certificate (ex-gray card); This will allow you in particular:

  • To be able to drive without a Crit’Air sticker in large cities subject to restrictions on polluting vehicles,
  • For vehicles subject to technical inspection, it may be carried out every 5 years instead of the usual 2 years and it is less severe than for other vehicles,
  • For vehicles having been put into circulation prior to 01/01/1961, there will no longer be a compulsory technical inspection to be carried out.

Certain conditions are required to make the collection request :

  • The vehicle must be 30 years old or older,
  • The technical control must be valid (except for two wheels),
  • The model is no longer produced,
  • The vehicle must not have been modified,
  • The vehicle must not be used for professional purposes.

There are 3 possible cases to pass a vehicle into collection :

  • The collection of your own vehicle,
  • The purchase of an old vehicle to be registered in your name,
  • The purchase of an old imported vehicle to be registered in your name.

In any case, the 1rst step is to be made with the FFVE (French Federation of vintage vehicles), using a form, some photos and proof of ownership, it is possible to obtain a certificate which will allow you to obtain the mention collection on your registration certificate (ex-gray card). Its cost is 60 euros and 30 euros for mopeds (50 cc).

The FFVE is authorized to issue you a certificate because it will first check the information of your vehicle thanks to a regulated control, its aim is to preserve the heritage of vintage vehicles.

Please note that the FFVE does not issue a registration certificate (ex-gray card) but a certificate, in the event that you no longer have the vehicle’s gray card, the FFVE certificate will serve as an official document to carry out your technical inspection. or to apply for a new registration certificate.

1/ Collecting your own vehicle:

Your vehicle can from its 30th year obtain the mention “vehicle of collection”.

You must file your file with the FFVE, once your certificate has been received, you will have to send your file to the ANTS via their website or through a service authorized by the State.

For your ANTS file, you will also need to send the usual documents:

  • ID
  • Driving licence
  • Proof of residence of – 6 months
  • Technical control of – 6 months
  • Valid insurance certificate
  • Registration Card

If you no longer have the gray card in your possession, the FFVE certificate will serve as proof with the ANTS, but it is important to keep any previous trace of ownership (handwritten transfer, notarial deed or invoice).

2/ The purchase of an old vehicle:

You are about to acquire a model that is over 30 years old, the process is just as simple as registering your own vehicle, provided you have the transfer/purchase documents in your possession.

When submitting your file to the FFVE, in addition to the photos and the form, you will need to attach the transfer certificate or any element justifying the origin of the property and the change in ownership.

Once your certificate has been received, the procedure is once again the same as before, you will have to send your file to the ANTS without forgetting this time to attach the transfer certificate and to make the request for change of holder with vehicle mention of collection.

3/ The purchase of an old imported vehicle:

The registration of an old imported vehicle is no more difficult than for a French vehicle, the process will be done this time in 3 steps.

The first step is to check the documents in your possession, for a vehicle imported from Europe you will need a tax clearance, to be requested from the tax department on which your municipality depends; for a vehicle imported outside Europe you will need a copy of the customs certificate 846 A.

This first step is essential to prove that the vehicle is in order for tax purposes, these documents will be requested by the FFVE and the ANTS.

The second step is to send your file to the FFVE, you will need in addition to the form, photos and proof of ownership (transfer certificate and foreign registration document), provide your document from the tax services.

Upon receipt of your FFVE certificate, you must, as in other cases, send your file to the ANTS either on their dedicated site or by an authorized service for a request for a change of holder with the mention of a collector’s vehicle.

You will need to provide all the usual documents as well as the FFVE certificate and the tax clearance or customs form.

We are of course here to support you in all the steps. You can find all the information about the FFVE on their website;


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