Online registration service

Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Tax simulator

Complete this form to simulate the cost of your vehicle registration document.
You can then, if you wish, continue the process.


I don't know the registration number

Select a procedure and your department

Mark :
Model :

Place of purchase :

You have already declared 3 changes of address for this vehicle and you want to declare a 4th (the 3 places on the registration card are occupied) :

Sélectionnez l'objet de la modification :

Camionnette 5 places assises ?

Le code de carrosserie (CE) de votre véhicule est-il camion pick-up (J2 = BE) ?

Véhicule affecté exclusivement à l'exploitation des remontées mécaniques et des domaines skiables ?

Pick-up 5 places J2 = BE non affecté aux domaines skiables

Le véhicule est-il destiné au tranport de voyageurs et de leurs bagages ?

Handicap bodywork / Disability card :

Type of registration :

Has the vehicle been the subject of community acceptance?

Demonstration vehicle?

Collector's vehicle?

Vehicle intended for the transport of goods:

Y1 - Regional tax :
Y1 bis - Additional tax for high power cars :
Y2 - Professional training tax :
Y3 - Additional tax on passenger cars:
Y3 - CO2 passenger car penalty:
Y4 - Management tax:
Y5 - Routing charge:
Y6 - Taxes payable:
A1 - management fees:

The tax (Y3 - CO2 penalty for passenger cars) may be reduced by 20g / km per dependent child from the 3rd and for 1 single vehicle with at least 5 seats per household. This reduction must be requested from the tax office and is subject to reimbursement.

Show price