Online registration service

Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
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General terms and conditions of sale

Object :

These conditions of sale and services (GTC) aim to define the contractual relationship between the company SAND SERVICES,  whose head office is located at 7 ZA La Lombardie, 298 Chemin des Colles 83 440 TOURRETTES, registered in the Trade and Companies Register of Draguignan under number R.C.S. 529 853 566   and  the Customer (terms defined below in Article 2  « definitions »). These are the conditions applicable to any purchase made through the site, whether the customer is a professional or a consumer. 

The customer declares to have read the general conditions of sale and to have accepted them without reservation before placing any order.


Any purchase or acquisition of a service via the site implies an unreserved acceptance by the customer of these GTC.


These conditions of sale shall prevail over any other general or specific conditions not expressly approved by SAND SERVICES.

SAND SERVICES reserves the right to modify its conditions of sale at any time. In this case, the applicable general conditions are those in force on the date of the order placed by the customer.

SAND SERVICES is mandated by the customer as part of a commercial intermediation service between the customer and the administration in order to obtain a gray card. SAND SERVICES cannot be considered as a gray card publisher.



General Terms and Conditions of Sales ou , CGV :these are the conditions determining the terms and conditions relating to the subscription of a service offered by the site as well as the rights and obligations of the parties in the context of the online service offered on the site.

Sales contract  : Contract subscribed to the

Site :

Service : the service offered on the Site is the online order and processing of a new registration certificate (registration card)

Product,  : registration certificate or Grey Card.

VAT : tax on added value.

Agence Nationale des Titres Sécurisés et  SIV : are   public administrative establishments under the supervision of the Ministry of the Interior. The SIV’s mission is to meet the needs of state administrations in terms of secured securised tiltles These titles are documents issued by the State, subject to a secure editing and control procedure.

SAND SERVICES is a companythat has concluded a commercial agreement with the company SAND SERVICES (company having received from the Public Treasury the approval N°46489 and from the Ministry of the Interior the authorization N°188573),span,   for the processing of Gray Card files from the website

SAND SERVICES is a commercial intermediary between the SIV or the ANTS and the Client
Customer span,  : any natural or legal person who signs a contract for paid Services offered on the Site of SAND SERVICES.


Characteristics of the products and services offered:

The products and services offered can be found on the website on the home page and in the ” other steps  ” .

 Each product or service is accompanied by a description. The photos on the site can in no way be contractual.

These products and services are offered within the limits of available stocks. In case of unavailability of the product or service ordered, SAND SERVICES immediately informs the customer and can offer him a product of equivalent quality and price or, failing that, a voucher for the amount of the order usable for any future order placed on the site.

Regarding the processing of applications for registration procedures proposed by the site, these services are divided into two stages:

1 rstStep : Control of the conformity of the application file for registration in accordance with the rules established by the Ministry of the Interior. Following this control, either the customer will receive by email a confirmation of conformity of his file before processing, or he will receive a reminder by email specifying the non-compliance or anomalies to be regularized before registration.  

2 nd step :  Registration of data in the Vehicle Registration System or with the ANTS depending on the process. Following registration, the customer will receive by email the acknowledgments of registration or provisional documents pending receipt of his final registration card directly from the Imprimerie Nationale, or the proof of blocking in case of technical impossibility of registration in the SIV.

SAND SERVICES reserves the right to withdraw any product or service.


SAND SERVICES does not intervene in any way on the technical characteristics appearing on the products. Any disagreement in this direction must be the subject of a complaint to the SIV or the ANTS


Field of application- Territory:

The online sale of the products and services presented on the site is reserved for customers who reside in France, in the Dom and for deliveries required in these geographical areas exclusively



Prices :

The prices appearing in the catalog of the site are prices including VAT in euros taking into account the VAT applicable on the day of the order; any change in the rate may be reflected in the price of the products or services.

The companySAND SERVICES reserves the right to modify its prices at any time, it being understood, however, that the price appearing in the catalog on the day of the order will be the only one applicable to the customer.
Products or services purchased on must be paid for in euros either online or by bank transfer. The bank cards accepted by the Sherlock secure system are Carte Bleue, Visa, Eurocard Mastercard. 

The delivered goods remain the property of the company Sand Services until full payment. The transfer of risk takes place upon delivery of the goods.

The prices indicated do not include the costs of order processing, transport and delivery as long as they take place in the geographical areas provided above.

The LCL SHERLOCK and LCL 3X payment comply with the Carte Bancaires regulations concerning distance selling and electronic payment. 

SERVICE CARTE GRISE cannot be held responsible in the event of  

  • Modification of tariffs by the administration,
  • Calculation error by the administration
  • Error made by the customer during payment (amount, order, formality) making this means of payment unusable,
  • Error made by the customer in relation to the information he provided for the calculation of the cost of the registration certificate

In such a situation, the customer will be asked to pay the tax due.

SAND SERVICESwill request an additional fee of xxx euros for any additional steps necessary to process the file, in particular when an element has not been specified when ordering by the customer (transformation of the vehicle, holder not identical to the transfer, poor simulation of the tariff by the Customer, etc.).

SAND SERVICES will request an additional fee of xx euros for any additional processing on an incomplete file in order to cover the costs of archiving the file, the costs of telephone follow-up, as well as the complete re-checking of the file upon receipt of the missing document at the original file


Orders :


To be able to order, the customer must first register and create an account on the website according to the terms below: 

he creates an account by entering Name / first name / email / password, the email being the account ID.

The Customer will be the only one authorized to access the account and use the services of the website in accordance with these GTC. The Customer agrees to take all necessary measures to protect the confidentiality of his account.

Any access to the account will be deemed to have been made by the Customer under his exclusive responsibility. In the event of fraudulent use of its access, the Customer must immediately inform the website editor. For security reasons, the Customer expressly accepts that in the event of loss or forgetting of his username / password, the publisher may, at his request, send him an email with the new username after reset.

When creating an account, the Customer will communicate information which then makes it possible to identify him and undertakes to correctly fill in the information requested in the context of the opening of an account, and in particular to communicate only exact, up-to-date information. and complete.

The customer, who wishes to buy a product or a service on must obligatorily:

– complete the online order form giving all the references of the products or services chosen;

– validate his order after having checked it;

– make the payment under the conditions provided;

– confirm their order and payment.

– download, send by mail, by email or to his customer account all the documents necessary to process his order.

The company Sand services will communicate by e-mail the confirmation of the registered order

The confirmation of the order implies acceptance of these conditions of sale, the recognition of having full knowledge of them and the waiver of its own conditions of purchase or other conditions. 

All the data provided and the recorded confirmation will constitute proof of the transaction. Confirmation will be worth signing and acceptance of transactions.

As the orders are final and irrevocable, any request to modify the service ordered by the consumer must be subject to the prior acceptance of the service provider.

If errors in the order (in particular in the plate numbers) are noted, in no case can Sand Services be held liable.span,  

Obtaining a vehicle registration document follows a series of procedures and rules put in place by the Ministry of the Interior and requires the production of original documents and photocopies. Without these documents, no case can succeed.

By placing an order on the website, the customer agrees and certifies providing original, non-falsified documents and true copies of the originals. The company Sand Services recalls that Article 226-4-1 of the Penal Code punishes identity theft with 2 years’ imprisonment and a fine of 20,000 euros. The use of forgery is punishable by 10 years’ imprisonment and a fine of 150,000 euros (Articles 441-1 to 441-6 of the penal code).




Article L317-2 of the Highway Code [
(Amended by Law n ° 2003-495 of June 12, 2003 – art. 11 (V) JORF June 13, 2003)

“I. – The fact of making use of a plate or an inscription, required by the regulations in force and affixed to a motor vehicle or a trailer, bearing a number, a name or a false or supposed address is punished. five years’ imprisonment and a fine of 3,750 euros. II. – Anyone guilty of this offense also incurs the following additional penalties: 1 ° Suspension, for a period of three years at most, of the driving license, this suspension being able to be limited to driving outside professional activity; 2 ° Confiscation of the vehicle. III. – This offense automatically gives rise to the reduction by half of the maximum number of points of the driving license. “

SAND SERVICES reserves the right to cancel or suspend any order from a Customer with whom there is a dispute relating to the payment of a previous order as long as the dispute is not settled. SAND SERVICES reserves the right not to record a payment and or not to confirm an order for any reason whatsoever, in particular due to a problem with the supply of products, a problem concerning the order received, or a problem foreseeable concerning the delivery to be made.

Any Gray Card order placed on the Site by the Customer authorizes SAND SERVICES to carry out in its place and on its behalf the administrative formalities related to the registration operation requested during the order.

The customer must therefore, for any file, complete the power of attorney form by mandate to an automotive professional, that is to say for the benefit of SAND SERVICES


Payment terms  :

The price is payable when ordering, and any event before the customer’s file is processed. At the customer’s request, an invoice will be sent to him by email.

Products or services purchased on must be paid for in euros either online or by bank transfer. The bank cards accepted by the Sherlock secure system are Carte Bleue, Visa, Eurocard Mastercard.

 The goods delivered remain the property of the company Sand services until full payment. The transfer of risk takes place upon delivery of the goods.

The LCL SHERLOCK and LCL 3X payment comply with the Carte Bancaires regulations concerning distance selling and electronic payment.


Traitement desProcessing of incomplete customer files: dossiers client incomplets :

 Any return of documents to the customer (original transfer certificate / etc.) in order to complete his registration document will be made by tracked mail and invoiced to the customer € 9.00. 

If after several reminders, the customer does not complete his file within ONE month, the company Sand services reserves the right to return a file that is still incomplete and to cancel the order concerned. After this one-month period, the company Sand serviceswill refund the tax paid by the customer.  The cost of providing the online registration service will be payable by the customer. 


Processing of blocked files :

 Certain anomalies encountered in the SIV system when entering the registration document in our offices (anomalies which can only be noticed by our operators when entering the process in the SIV) lead to a blockage preventing us from finalizing the process. ‘registration of the registration request.        
In this case, we will contact you to obtain additional information or documents.

 For cases of blockage such as “non-identical holder” or “no file found”, our teams can establish a procedure with a CERT (Securities Resources Expertise Center) to unblock the file and thus be able to finalize the process for the client. corresponding to the command. 

In this case, when the blockage is noted, the customer will be offered to take out an additional order for an amount of € 10 including tax. The customer has 7 days to accept or refuse the service offered. In the event of acceptance, and after payment of the service provision of € 10, the file is sent to the C.E.R.T. within 24 hours. Otherwise, the file will be returned to the customer under the same conditions as the other cases of blocking as explained below.
For other cases of blocking, the file will be returned to the customer in its entirety within a maximum of 5 days after receipt of the file at our premises, accompanied by proof of blocking. The tax as well as the management and delivery costs will be reimbursed to the customer, the costs of providing the registration card processing service will be retained. The most common anomalies are: pledged vehicle, vehicle requiring a second expert report (damaged vehicle), unpaid fines, etc.


Delivery :

The delivery times indicated on the site are given as an indication, and are calculated in working days. As soon as the file is validated by Sand Services, the title is printed by the Imprimerie Nationale and sent by post.

Deliveries are made to the address indicated on form 13750 * 03 accompanied by proof of address which can only be in the agreed geographical area.

Once the order has been validated on the seller’s website, the Customer must, in all cases, send all the documents necessary to process his request to the address indicated in the order confirmation email, or by email, or on its customer area. It is recalled that no order will be processed without a complete file and that Sand Services cannot be held responsible for the delay in the transmission of these documents by the Customer.

SAND SERVICES makes every effort to respect the delivery times to which it undertakes from the receipt of all the documents necessary to process the Customer’s order and after full payment of the price of the goods or services offered.

SAND SERVICES would not be held responsible for the processing times inherent in the Vehicle Registration System (SIV) or at the Prefecture in the event of a request requiring the use of the latter’s services.

SAND SERVICES cannot be held responsible for processing times that could be extended due to a computer breakdown or a slowdown in service due to the SIV.

The new circulation ticket will be shipped by the Imprimerie Nationale to the delivery address indicated by the Customer during the order process, which can only be in the agreed geographical area. SAND SERVICES is therefore relieved of all responsibility for any delay related to the delivery of a gray card by post.

SAND SERVICES would not be held responsible for a delay in delivery exclusively due to the unavailability of the Customer after several appointment proposals by the carrier.

Packages are delivered by La Poste or by an express carrier to the address indicated in the order or to a relay point depending on the carrier used. SAND SERVICES is therefore unable to guarantee a precise delivery time. Certain geographical areas (Corsica, DOM-TOM) may be excluded from the delivery conditions depending on the carrier.

The Product must be checked by the Customer upon delivery. Any reservations are made on the delivery note presented by the carrier or can be sent, within 24 hours, by email to :

In case of return of the package to SAND SERVICES (and for any reason whatsoever), the Customer will again have to pay the initial shipping costs of his order plus 10 euros in order to cover the return costs invoiced to SAND SERVICES.


Mandate to a professional:

Any registration certificate order placed on the site by the Customer authorizes the companySand Services to carry out in his place and on his behalf the administrative formalities related to the registration operation requested at the time of the order. This authorization is formalized by the production of the cerfa document N°13757*01 mandatory for any file


Retraction :

Buyers, non-professional natural persons, have a period of 14 days from their order to withdraw. To do this, the purchaser wishing to withdraw will have to do so through the withdrawal form duly completed which must be, to be taken into account, sent by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the address mentioned on the form.

The costs of returning the products ordered will be borne by the seller. Unless otherwise and expressly stated by the buyer wishing to withdraw, the refund will be made using the same method of payment as that used by the Buyer and it will be made at the latest within 14 days from the date on which the Seller will be informed of the Buyer’s decision to withdraw.

Pursuant to Article L.221-28 of the Consumer Code, the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised for contracts :
– Provision of services fully performed before the end of the withdrawal period and whose execution has begun after prior express agreement of the consumer and express waiver of his right of withdrawal

In accordance with Article L.221-25 of the Consumer Code, in order to allow the Buyer to obtain the service ordered and/or the personalized product ordered as soon as possible, the Buyer who is a consumer will be asked to expressly waive his right of withdrawal pursuant to Article L.221-28 of the Consumer Code cited above, before the confirmation of his order in order to allow the Seller to process the request without delay.

 In the absence of an express waiver of the right of withdrawal before the order, it will become firm and final only after the expiry of the withdrawal period.

In the absence of an express waiver of the right of withdrawal before the order, it will become firm and final only after the expiry of the withdrawal period. The service provision of the amount initially paid by the customer remains acquired by SAND SERVICES. The latter covers the costs of technical processing as well as the manual processing carried out on the file in question.


Cases of cancellations/refunds outside the withdrawal : 

The provision of the Service begins upon full payment of the price of the service or good by the Customer.

Any cancellation of an order by the Customer must be expressly requested by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt.

The cancellation of an order at the request of the customer, beyond the 14th day after placing the order, will generate costs equivalent to the amount of the service provided.

case of cancellation of order by the Customer after receipt of the file  :

-The provision of Service of the sum initially paid by the customer remains acquired by SAND SERVICES.
The latter covers the costs of technical processing as well as the manual processing carried out on the file in question.

-The amount of the legal registration tax is fully refunded.

-No order can be canceled after receipt and processing of a complete file.

The refund (total or partial, apart from the exercise of the right of withdrawal) is made within a maximum period of 14 working days by credit card or, 30 working days by check to the order of the person or company name stipulated in the billing details, from the receipt of the cancellation request or the return of the goods.

Any tax refund following an error by the customer in the calculation of the regional tax will be made within a maximum period of 14 working days from the day of sending the provisional registration card (CPI) / acknowledgment of registration (AE) by credit card or check to the order of the person or company name stipulated in the billing details.

Reimbursement of an overpayment of regional tax (legal rate of the registration card) :

  • A management fee of €9.90 will be applied for all tax refunds between €1.00 and €100.00.
  • A management fee of €9.90 will be applied for all tax refunds between €1.00 and €100.00. …
  • A management fee of €29.90 will be applied for all tax refunds between €200.01 and €300.00.
  • Beyond that, the management fee applied is € 39.90.

The constituent documents of the file whose order would be canceled will be returned to the Customer by post entailing a processing and reshipment fee of 10 €.

If the file in the possession of SAND SERVICES does not consist of any original, it will not be returned, by our care, to the Customer when the file is canceled.


The guarantee :

SAND SERVICES does not intervene in any way on the technical characteristics appearing on the Products. These are recorded on the SIV files for each identified vehicle and cannot be modified by SAND SERVICES. 

SAND SERVICES cannot be held responsible for any disparities between the old title and the new one. Any disagreement in this direction must be the subject of a complaint to the SIV or the ANTS.


Limitation of Liability

The Customer, at the time of subscribing to the service, declares to have full legal capacity allowing him to commit himself under these GTC. SAND SERVICES shall under no circumstances be required to verify the capacity of Customers. Consequently, the subscription of a service in the absence of legal capacity does not exempt the Customer from paying the price.

The Customer is solely responsible for the relevance and quality of the information he has provided as well as the opportunity to use the Services and products offered by the Site with regard to his particular situation.

The Customer acknowledges that SAND SERVICES is only bound by an obligation of means.

SAND SERVICES cannot be held liable for damage resulting from the use of the Internet network such as a malfunction inherent in prefectural computer services, loss of data, intrusion, virus, service interruption, or other involuntary problems independent of its Services.

SAND SERVICES undertakes to do everything possible to ensure the proper functioning of the Site via the chain of contributors to the Services (such as La Poste), but it cannot however be held responsible for any failures or malfunctions of that -this.

The Site can be visited, used and/or read on all suitable media (computer, tablet, smartphone), but SAND SERVICES cannot be held responsible for errors or the impossibility of using the Site, even temporarily, in connection or as a consequence of a defect, failure or malfunction of the support chosen by the Customer.

SAND SERVICES cannot under any circumstances guarantee a favorable outcome for the Customer within the framework of the procedure undertaken, with the  SIV or the ANTS, who can accept or refuse,totally or partially, to grant the requests submitted to it, in total independence, with regard to the law and its attributions, without the responsibility of SAND SERVICES and/or the Site being sought for any reason whatsoever. that is.

SAND SERVICES does not publish or issue registration certificates, and therefore cannot be held responsible for the registration and processing times imposed by the SIV or the ANTS or for the sending times or for any errors. committed by him.

Any attempt by the Client to hold SAND SERVICES liable must be subject to the prior sending of a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt addressed to its head office.

This letter must be motivated and accompanied, if necessary, by supporting documents in photocopies.

SAND SERVICES cannot under any circumstances incur liability for consequential damages, which include in particular any moral or financial prejudice, loss of data, as well as any action directed against the Customer by a third party.

In the event of rejection of his request by the SIV or the ANTS, the Customer undertakes to notify SAND SERVICES no later than seven (7) days after receipt of this information, to the following email address: contact@officecartegrise .Fr


Force Majeure -Customer Made :

SAND SERVICES cannot be held liable in the event of non-performance or poor performance of the contract due either to the fault of the customer, or to the insurmountable and unforeseeable fact of a third party to the contract, or to a case of force majeure.


Customer service :

For all your questions concerning the follow-up of your orders, our customer service can be contacted by phone on 04 94 70 13 67 from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. or via the contact form.


Intellectual property :

The entire Site (structure, presentation and content) constitutes a work protected by French and international legislation in force on copyright and, in general, on intellectual property.

SAND SERVICES is the owner, assignee or holder of the rights to all the elements that make up this Site, and in particular the texts, data, drawings, graphics, photos, animations, sounds, computer codes, layouts, assemblies of all or part of an element. of the Site including downloadable documents.

All intellectual property rights, in particular exploitation rights, reproduction and extraction rights on any medium, of all or part of the data, files and all elements appearing in the web pages of the Site, as well as the rights of representation and reproduction on any medium, of all or part of the Site itself, the rights of modification, adaptation or translation, are reserved exclusively for SAND SERVICES, – and its possible beneficiaries – and this, under reserves the pre-existing rights of third parties who have authorized the digital reproduction and/or integration into this Site, by SAND SERVICES, of their works of any nature whatsoever.

Any reproduction, representation, distribution or redistribution, total or partial, of an element of the Site by any means whatsoever without the express prior authorization of SAND SERVICES is prohibited, and would constitute an infringement punishable by the legislation in force.

The trademarks of the Site and its partners as well as the corporate names and logos appearing on the Site are protected. Any total or partial reproduction of these brands or these logos, made from the elements of the Site without the express authorization of SAND SERVICES or its assignees is therefore prohibited.


Personal data :

In accordance with the regulations in force in terms of personal data protection and recommended best practices in this area, the site has defined a Personal Data Protection policy which describes the personal data collected and processed, purposes and methods of these collections and processing, the rights available to all users with regard to their personal data as well as their methods of exercise. It is the responsibility of each Customer to take cognizance of it by going to the “Personal Data Protection” page of the site.


Archiving – Proof :

Sand Services will archive purchase orders and invoices on a reliable and durable medium constituting a faithful copy in accordance with the provisions of article 1348 of the Civil Code.

The computerized registers of the company SAND SERVICES  will be considered by the parties as proof of communications, orders, payments and transactions between the parties.


Litigation :

These general conditions of online sale are executed and interpreted in accordance with French law.

The language of the contract is French.

The law applicable to the contract is the French law.

In the event of a complaint, the customer will contact first the companySand Servicespour to obtain an amicable solution to the folowwing address : 

Sand Services – 7 ZA La Lombardie – 298 Chemin des Colles 83440 TOURRETTES

In the event of failure of the complaint request to the Seller or in the absence of a response from the latter, the consumer may submit the dispute relating to the purchase order, or to these GTC opposing the professional seller to a mediator who will attempt, with complete independence and impartiality, to bring the parties together with a view to reaching an amicable solution.

The only mediator chosen for this purpose is the Mediator of the National Council of Automobile Professionals (CNPA) who can be called upon as follows :

By email :

by mail at the address : 50 Rue Rouget de Lisle 92158 SURENES CEDEX

On line on the website

The parties to the contract remain free to accept or refuse recourse to mediation as well as, in the event of recourse to mediation, to accept or refuse the solution proposed by the mediator.

Otherwise, the French courts will have sole jurisdiction.


Object :

These conditions of sale and service (GTC) aim to define the contractual relationship between the company SAND SERVICES, whose head office is at 7 ZA La Lombardie, 298 Chemin des Colles 83 440 TOURRETTES, registered in the trade and companies register of Draguignan under the number R.C.S. 529 853 566 and the Customer (terms defined below in article 2 “definitions”). These are the conditions applicable to any purchase made through the site, whether the customer is a professional or a consumer.

The customer declares to have read the general conditions of sale and to have accepted them without reservation before placing any order.

Any purchase or acquisition of a service via the site implies an unreserved acceptance by the customer of these GTC.

These conditions of sale shall prevail over any other general or specific conditions not expressly approved by SAND SERVICES.

SAND SERVICES reserves the right to modify its conditions of sale at any time. In this case, the applicable general conditions are those in force on the date of the order placed by the customer.

SAND SERVICES is mandated by the customer as part of a commercial intermediation service between the customer and the administration in order to obtain a gray card. SAND SERVICES cannot be considered as a gray card publisher.


General Conditions of Sale or GTC: these are the conditions determining the terms and conditions relating to the subscription to a service offered by the site, as well as the rights and obligations of the parties in the context of the provision of online service offered on the site.

Sales contract: Contract signed with the

Site :

Service:the service offered on the Site is the online ordering and processing of a new registration certificate (gray card)

Product : registration certificate or Gray Card.

VAT :value added tax.

Agence Nationale des Titres Sécurisés andSIV : are public administrative establishments under the supervision of the Ministry of the Interior. The SIV’s mission is to meet the needs of state administrations in terms of secured securised tiltles These titles are documents issued by the State, subject to a secure editing and control procedure.

SAND SERVICES is a company which has entered into a commercial agreement with the company SAND SERVICES (a company which has received approval No. 46489 from the Treasury and authorization No. 188573 from the Ministry of the Interior),for the processing of Gray Card files from the website

SAND SERVICES is a commercial intermediary between the SIV or the ANTS and the Client.

Client :any natural or legal person who signs a contract for paid Services offered on the SAND SERVICES Site.

Characteristics of the products and services offered:

The products and services offered are listed on the website on the home page as well as in the “other procedures” tab.

Each product or service is accompanied by a description. The photos on the site can in no way be contractual.

These products and services are offered within the limits of available stocks. In case of unavailability of the product or service ordered, SAND SERVICES immediately informs the customer and can offer him a product of equivalent quality and price or, failing that, a voucher for the amount of the order usable for any future order placed on the site.

Regarding the processing of applications for registration procedures proposed by the site, these services are divided into two stages:

1 rstStep : Control of the conformity of the application file for registration in accordance with the rules established by the Ministry of the Interior. Following this control, either the customer will receive by email a confirmation of conformity of his file before processing, or he will receive a reminder by email specifying the non-compliance or anomalies to be regularized before registration.

2 nd step : Registration of data in the Vehicle Registration System or with the ANTS depending on the process. Following registration, the customer will receive by email the acknowledgments of registration or provisional documents pending receipt of his final registration card directly from the Imprimerie Nationale, or the proof of blocking in case of technical impossibility of registration in the SIV.

SAND SERVICES reserves the right to withdraw any product or service.

SAND SERVICES does not intervene in any way on the technical characteristics appearing on the products. Any disagreement in this direction must be the subject of a complaint to the SIV or the ANTS

Field of application- Territory:

The online sale of the products and services presented on the site is reserved for customers who reside in France, in the Dom and for deliveries required in these geographical areas exclusively

Prices :

The prices appearing in the catalog of the site are prices including VAT in euros taking into account the VAT applicable on the day of the order; any change in the rate may be reflected in the price of the products or services.

The company Sand Services reserves the right to modify its prices at any time, it being understood, however, that the price appearing in the catalog on the day of the order will be the only one applicable to the customer.
Products or services purchased on must be paid for in euros either online or by bank transfer. The bank cards accepted by the Sherlock secure system are Carte Bleue, Visa, Eurocard Mastercard.

The delivered goods remain the property of the company Sand Services until full payment. The transfer of risk takes place upon delivery of the goods.

The prices indicated do not include the costs of order processing, transport and delivery as long as they take place in the geographical areas provided above.

The LCL SHERLOCK and LCL 3X payment comply with the Carte Bancaires regulations concerning distance selling and electronic payment.

SAND SERVICES cannot be held responsible in the event of:

  • Modification of tariffs by the administration,
  • Calculation error by the administration
  • Error made by the customer during payment (amount, order, formality) making this means of payment unusable,
  • Error made by the customer in relation to the information he provided for the calculation of the cost of the registration certificate

In such a situation, the customer will be asked to pay the tax due.

SAND SERVICES will request an additional fee of xxx euros for any additional steps necessary to process the file, in particular when an element has not been specified when ordering by the customer (transformation of the vehicle, holder not identical to the transfer, poor simulation of the tariff by the Customer, etc.).

SAND SERVICES will request an additional fee of xx euros for any additional processing on an incomplete file in order to cover the costs of archiving the file, the costs of telephone follow-up, as well as the complete re-checking of the file upon receipt of the missing document at the original folder

Orders :

To be able to order, the customer must first register and create an account on the website according to the terms below:

he creates an account by entering Name / first name / email / password, the email being the account ID.

The Customer will be the only one authorized to access the account and use the services of the website in accordance with these GTC. The Customer agrees to take all necessary measures to protect the confidentiality of his account.

Any access to the account will be deemed to have been made by the Customer under his exclusive responsibility. In the event of fraudulent use of its access, the Customer must immediately inform the website editor. For security reasons, the Customer expressly accepts that in the event of loss or forgetting of his username / password, the publisher may, at his request, send him an email with the new username after reset.

When creating an account, the Customer will communicate information which then makes it possible to identify him and undertakes to correctly fill in the information requested in the context of the opening of an account, and in particular to communicate only exact, up-to-date information. and complete.

The customer, who wishes to buy a product or a service on must obligatorily:

– complete the online order form giving all the references of the products or services chosen;

– validate his order after having checked it;

– make the payment under the conditions provided;

– confirm their order and payment.

– download, send by mail, by email or to his customer account all the documents necessary to process his order.

The company Sand Services will communicate by e-mail the confirmation of the registered order

The confirmation of the order implies acceptance of these conditions of sale, the recognition of having full knowledge of them and the waiver of its own conditions of purchase or other conditions.

All the data provided and the recorded confirmation will constitute proof of the transaction. Confirmation will be worth signing and acceptance of transactions.

As the orders are final and irrevocable, any request to modify the service ordered by the consumer must be subject to the prior acceptance of the service provider.

If errors in the order (in particular in the plate numbers) are noted, in no case, the responsibility of the company Sand Services can not be engaged.

Obtaining a vehicle registration document follows a series of procedures and rules put in place by the Ministry of the Interior and requires the production of original documents and photocopies. Without these documents, no case can succeed.

By placing an order on the website, the customer agrees and certifies providing original, non-falsified documents and true copies of the originals. The company Sand Services recalls that Article 226-4-1 of the Penal Code punishes identity theft with 2 years’ imprisonment and a fine of 20,000 euros. The use of forgery is punishable by 10 years’ imprisonment and a fine of 150,000 euros (Articles 441-1 to 441-6 of the penal code).


Article L317-2 of the Highway Code [
(Amended by Law n ° 2003-495 of June 12, 2003 – art. 11 (V) JORF June 13, 2003)

“I. – The fact of making use of a plate or an inscription, required by the regulations in force and affixed to a motor vehicle or a trailer, bearing a number, a name or a false or supposed address is punished. five years’ imprisonment and a fine of 3,750 euros. II. – Anyone guilty of this offense also incurs the following additional penalties: 1 ° Suspension, for a period of three years at most, of the driving license, this suspension being able to be limited to driving outside professional activity; 2 ° Confiscation of the vehicle. III. – This offense automatically gives rise to the reduction by half of the maximum number of points of the driving license. “

SAND SERVICES reserves the right to cancel or suspend any order from a Customer with whom there is a dispute relating to the payment of a previous order as long as the dispute is not settled. SAND SERVICES reserves the right not to record a payment and or not to confirm an order for any reason whatsoever, in particular due to a problem with the supply of products, a problem concerning the order received, or a problem foreseeable concerning the delivery to be made.

Any Gray Card order placed on the Site by the Customer authorizes SAND SERVICES to carry out in its place and on its behalf the administrative formalities related to the registration operation requested during the order.

The customer must therefore complete the form of power of attorney by mandate to an automotive professional for any file, that is to say for the benefit of SAND SERVICES.

Payment terms :

The price is payable when ordering, and any event before the customer’s file is processed. At the customer’s request, an invoice will be sent to him by email.

Products or services purchased on must be paid for in euros either online or by bank transfer. The bank cards accepted by the Sherlock secure system are Carte Bleue, Visa, Eurocard Mastercard.

The delivered goods remain the property of the companySand Services until full payment. The transfer of risk takes place upon delivery of the goods.

The LCL SHERLOCK and LCL 3X payment comply with the Carte Bancaires regulations concerning distance selling and electronic payment.

Traitement desProcessing of incomplete customer files: dossiers client incomplets :

Any return of documents to the customer (original transfer certificate / etc.) in order to complete his registration document will be made by tracked mail and invoiced to the customer € 9.00.

If after several reminders, the customer does not complete his file within ONE month, the company Sand Services reserves the right to return a file that is still incomplete and to cancel the order concerned. After this one-month period, the company Sand Services will reimburse the tax paid by the customer. The costs of providing the online registration service will be payable by the customer.

Processing of blocked files :

Certain anomalies encountered in the SIV system when entering the registration document in our offices (anomalies which can only be noticed by our operators when entering the process in the SIV) lead to a blockage preventing us from finalizing the process. ‘registration of the registration request.
In this case, we will contact you to obtain additional information or documents.

For cases of blockage such as “non-identical holder” or “no file found”, our teams can establish a procedure with a CERT (Securities Resources Expertise Center) to unblock the file and thus be able to finalize the process for the client. corresponding to the command.

In this case, when the blockage is noted, the customer will be offered to take out an additional order for an amount of € 10 including tax. The customer has 7 days to accept or refuse the service offered. In the event of acceptance, and after payment of the service provision of € 10, the file is sent to the C.E.R.T. within 24 hours. Otherwise, the file will be returned to the customer under the same conditions as the other cases of blocking as explained below.
For other cases of blocking, the file will be returned to the customer in its entirety within a maximum of 5 days after receipt of the file at our premises, accompanied by proof of blocking. The tax as well as the management and delivery costs will be reimbursed to the customer, the costs of providing the registration card processing service will be retained. The most common anomalies are: pledged vehicle, vehicle requiring a second expert report (damaged vehicle), unpaid fines, etc.

Delivery :

The delivery times indicated on the site are given as an indication, and are calculated in working days. As soon as the file is validated by Sand Services, the title is printed by the Imprimerie Nationale and sent by post.

Deliveries are made to the address indicated on form 13750 * 03 accompanied by proof of address which can only be in the agreed geographical area.

Once the order has been validated on the seller’s website, the Customer must, in all cases, send all the documents necessary to process his request to the address indicated in the order confirmation email, or by email, or on its customer area. It is recalled that no order will be processed without a complete file and that the Service Carte Grise company cannot be held responsible for the delay in sending these documents by the Customer.

SAND SERVICES makes every effort to respect the delivery times to which it undertakes from the receipt of all the documents necessary to process the Customer’s order and after full payment of the price of the goods or services offered.

SAND SERVICES would not be held responsible for the processing times inherent in the Vehicle Registration System (SIV) or at the Prefecture in the event of a request requiring the use of the latter’s services.

SAND SERVICES cannot be held responsible for processing times that could be extended due to a computer breakdown or a slowdown in service due to the SIV.

The new circulation ticket will be shipped by the Imprimerie Nationale to the delivery address indicated by the Customer during the order process, which can only be in the agreed geographical area. SAND SERVICES is therefore relieved of all responsibility for any delay related to the delivery of a gray card by post.

SAND SERVICES would not be held responsible for a delay in delivery exclusively due to the unavailability of the Customer after several appointment proposals by the carrier.

Packages are delivered by La Poste or by an express carrier to the address indicated in the order or to a relay point depending on the carrier used. SAND SERVICES is therefore unable to guarantee a precise delivery time. Certain geographical areas (Corsica, DOM-TOM) may be excluded from the delivery conditions depending on the carrier.

The Product must be checked by the Customer upon delivery. Any reservations are made on the delivery note presented by the carrier or can be sent, within 24 hours, by email to :

In case of return of the package to SAND SERVICES (and for any reason whatsoever), the Customer will again have to pay the initial shipping costs of his order plus 10 euros in order to cover the return costs invoiced to SAND SERVICES.

Mandate to a professional:

Any registration certificate order placed on the site by the Customer authorizes the company Sand Services to carry out in his place and on his behalf the administrative formalities related to the registration operation requested at the time of the order. This authorization is formalized by the production of the cerfa document N°13757*01 mandatory for any file

Retraction :

Buyers, non-professional natural persons, have a period of 14 days from their order to withdraw. To do this, the purchaser wishing to withdraw will have to do so through the withdrawal form duly completed which must be, to be taken into account, sent by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the address mentioned on the form.

The costs of returning the products ordered will be borne by the seller. Unless otherwise and expressly stated by the buyer wishing to withdraw, the refund will be made using the same method of payment as that used by the Buyer and it will be made at the latest within 14 days from the date on which the Seller will be informed of the Buyer’s decision to withdraw.

Pursuant to Article L.221-28 of the Consumer Code, the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised for contracts :
– Provision of services fully performed before the end of the withdrawal period and whose execution has begun after prior express agreement of the consumer and express waiver of his right of withdrawal

In accordance with Article L.221-25 of the Consumer Code, in order to allow the Buyer to obtain the service ordered and/or the personalized product ordered as soon as possible, the Buyer who is a consumer will be asked to expressly waive his right of withdrawal pursuant to Article L.221-28 of the Consumer Code cited above, before the confirmation of his order in order to allow the Seller to process the request without delay.

In the absence of an express waiver of the right of withdrawal before the order, it will become firm and final only after the expiry of the withdrawal period.

In the event of withdrawal by the customer after verification of the conformity of his file by the services of the company Sand Services, the order will be canceled and the customer will be refunded the tax taxes. The service provision of the amount initially paid by the customer remains acquired by SAND SERVICES. The latter covers the costs of technical processing as well as the manual processing carried out on the file in question.

Cases of cancellations/refunds outside the withdrawal :

The provision of the Service begins upon full payment of the price of the service or good by the Customer.

Any cancellation of an order by the Customer must be expressly requested by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt.

The cancellation of an order at the request of the customer, beyond the 14th day after the placing of the order, will generate costs equivalent to the amount of the service provided.

In the event of cancellation of the order by the Customer after receipt of the file:

-The provision of Service of the sum initially paid by the customer remains acquired by SAND SERVICES.
The latter covers the costs of technical processing as well as the manual processing carried out on the file in question.

-The amount of the legal registration tax is fully refunded.

-No order can be canceled after receipt and processing of a complete file.

The refund (total or partial, apart from the exercise of the right of withdrawal) is made within a maximum period of 14 working days by credit card or, 30 working days by check to the order of the person or company name stipulated in the billing details, from the receipt of the cancellation request or the return of the goods.

Any tax refund following an error by the customer in the calculation of the regional tax will be made within a maximum period of 14 working days from the day of sending the provisional registration card (CPI) / acknowledgment of registration (AE) by credit card or check to the order of the person or company name stipulated in the billing details.

Reimbursement of an overpayment of regional tax (legal rate of the registration card) :

  • A management fee of €9.90 will be applied for all tax refunds between €1.00 and €100.00.
  • A management fee of €9.90 will be applied for all tax refunds between €1.00 and €100.00. …
  • A management fee of €29.90 will be applied for all tax refunds between €200.01 and €300.00.
  • Beyond that, the management fee applied is € 39.90.

The constituent documents of the file whose order would be canceled will be returned to the Customer by post entailing a processing and reshipment fee of 10 €.

If the file in the possession of SAND SERVICES does not consist of any original, it will not be returned, by our care, to the Customer when the file is canceled.

The guarantee :

SAND SERVICES does not intervene in any way on the technical characteristics appearing on the Products. These are recorded on the SIV files for each identified vehicle and cannot be modified by SAND SERVICES.

SAND SERVICES cannot be held responsible for any disparities between the old title and the new one. VICES. Any disagreement in this direction must be the subject of a complaint to the SIV or the ANTS.

Limitation of Liability

The Customer, at the time of subscribing to the service, declares to have full legal capacity allowing him to commit himself under these GTC. SAND SERVICES shall under no circumstances be required to verify the capacity of Customers. Consequently, the subscription of a service in the absence of legal capacity does not exempt the Customer from paying the price.

The Customer is solely responsible for the relevance and quality of the information he has provided as well as the opportunity to use the Services and products offered by the Site with regard to his particular situation.

The Customer acknowledges that SAND SERVICES is only bound by an obligation of means.

SAND SERVICES cannot be held liable for damage resulting from the use of the Internet network such as a malfunction inherent in prefectural computer services, loss of data, intrusion, virus, service interruption, or other involuntary problems independent of its Services.

SAND SERVICES undertakes to do everything possible to ensure the proper functioning of the Site via the chain of contributors to the Services (such as La Poste), but it cannot however be held responsible for any failures or malfunctions of that -this.

The Site can be visited, used and/or read on all suitable media (computer, tablet, smartphone), but SAND SERVICES cannot be held responsible for errors or the impossibility of using the Site, even temporarily, in connection or as a consequence of a defect, failure or malfunction of the support chosen by the Customer.

SAND SERVICES cannot under any circumstances guarantee a favorable outcome for the Customer within the framework of the procedure undertaken, with the SIV or the ANTS, who can accept or refuse, totally or partially, to grant the requests submitted to it, in total independence, with regard to the law and its attributions, without the responsibility of SAND SERVICES and/or the Site being sought in any capacity whatsoever .

SAND SERVICES does not publish or issue registration certificates, and therefore cannot be held responsible for the registration and processing times imposed by the SIV or the ANTS or for the sending times or for any errors. committed by him.

Any attempt by the Client to hold SAND SERVICES liable must be subject to the prior sending of a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt addressed to its head office.

This letter must be motivated and accompanied, if necessary, by supporting documents in photocopies.

SAND SERVICES cannot under any circumstances incur liability for consequential damages, which include in particular any moral or financial prejudice, loss of data, as well as any action directed against the Customer by a third party.

In the event of rejection of his request by the SIV or the ANTS, the Customer undertakes to notify SAND SERVICES no later than seven (7) days after receipt of this information, to the following email address:

Force Majeure -Customer Made :

SAND SERVICES cannot be held liable in the event of non-performance or poor performance of the contract due either to the fault of the customer, or to the insurmountable and unforeseeable fact of a third party to the contract, or to a case of force majeure.

Customer service :

For all your questions concerning the follow-up of your orders, our customer service can be contacted by phone on 04 94 70 13 67 from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. or via the contact form.

Intellectual property :

The entire Site (structure, presentation and content) constitutes a work protected by French and international legislation in force on copyright and, in general, on intellectual property.

SAND SERVICES is the owner, assignee or holder of the rights to all the elements that make up this Site, and in particular the texts, data, drawings, graphics, photos, animations, sounds, computer codes, layouts, assemblies of all or part of an element. of the Site including downloadable documents.

All intellectual property rights, in particular exploitation rights, reproduction and extraction rights on any medium, of all or part of the data, files and all elements appearing in the web pages of the Site, as well as the rights of representation and reproduction on any medium, of all or part of the Site itself, the rights of modification, adaptation or translation, are reserved exclusively for SAND SERVICES, – and its possible beneficiaries – and this, under reserves the pre-existing rights of third parties who have authorized the digital reproduction and/or integration into this Site, by SAND SERVICES, of their works of any nature whatsoever.

Any reproduction, representation, distribution or redistribution, total or partial, of an element of the Site by any means whatsoever without the express prior authorization of SAND SERVICES is prohibited, and would constitute an infringement punishable by the legislation in force.

The trademarks of the Site and its partners as well as the corporate names and logos appearing on the Site are protected. Any total or partial reproduction of these brands or these logos, made from the elements of the Site without the express authorization of SAND SERVICES or its assignees is therefore prohibited.

Personal data :

In accordance with the regulations in force in terms of personal data protection and recommended best practices in this area, the site has defined a Personal Data Protection policy which describes the personal data collected and processed, purposes and methods of these collections and processing, the rights available to all users with regard to their personal data as well as their methods of exercise. It is the responsibility of each Customer to take cognizance of it by going to the “Personal Data Protection” page of the site.

Archiving – Proof :

The company Sand Services will archive purchase orders and invoices on a reliable and durable medium constituting a faithful copy in accordance with the provisions of article 1348 of the Civil Code.

The computerized registers of the company SAND SERVICES and used by the company Sand Services will be considered by the parties as proof of communications, orders, payments and transactions between the parties.

Litigation :

These general conditions of online sale are executed and interpreted in accordance with French law.

The language of the contract is French.

The applicable law is the French law.

In case of complaint, the customer will contact first the companySand Services pour obtenir une solution amiable à l’adresse suivante :

Sand Services – 7 ZA La Lombardie – 298 Chemin des Colles 83440 TOURRETTES

In the event of failure of the complaint request to the Seller or in the absence of a response from the latter, the consumer may submit the dispute relating to the purchase order, or to these GTC opposing the professional seller to a mediator who will attempt, with complete independence and impartiality, to bring the parties together with a view to reaching an amicable solution.

The only mediator chosen for this purpose is the Mediator of the National Council of Automobile Professionals (CNPA) who can be called upon as follows :

By email :

by mail at the address : 50 Rue Rouget de Lisle 92158 SURENES CEDEX

On line on the website

The parties to the contract remain free to accept or refuse recourse to mediation as well as, in the event of recourse to mediation, to accept or refuse the solution proposed by the mediator.

Otherwise, the French courts will have sole jurisdiction.