Online registration service

Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Passage in a vintage vehicle

Do you own a vehicle that is over 30 years old?
You can request the addition of the mention collection on the registration document.

Click here to read all the information


If you buy a second-hand vehicle and want to collect it at the same time as you apply for a vehicle registration document, click here.

We support you in this process, here are the different steps :

Step 1/2

Prepare the list of your documents

Step 2/2

Registration procedure

I don't know the registration number

Select a procedure and your department

Mark :
Model :

Place of purchase :

You have already declared 3 changes of address for this vehicle and you want to declare a 4th (the 3 places on the registration card are occupied) :

Sélectionnez l'objet de la modification :

Camionnette 5 places assises ?

Le code de carrosserie (CE) de votre véhicule est-il camion pick-up (J2 = BE) ?

Véhicule affecté exclusivement à l'exploitation des remontées mécaniques et des domaines skiables ?

Pick-up 5 places J2 = BE non affecté aux domaines skiables

Le véhicule est-il destiné au tranport de voyageurs et de leurs bagages ?

Handicap bodywork / Disability card :

Type of registration :

Has the vehicle been the subject of community acceptance?

Demonstration vehicle?

Collector's vehicle?

Vehicle intended for the transport of goods:

Y1 - Regional tax :
Y1 bis - Additional tax for high power cars :
Y2 - Professional training tax :
Y3 - Additional tax on passenger cars:
Y3 - CO2 passenger car penalty:
Y4 - Management tax:
Y5 - Routing charge:
Y6 - Taxes payable:
A1 - management fees:

The tax (Y3 - CO2 penalty for passenger cars) may be reduced by 20g / km per dependent child from the 3rd and for 1 single vehicle with at least 5 seats per household. This reduction must be requested from the tax office and is subject to reimbursement.

Show price

What are the conditions for obtaining collection?

What are the advantages of putting your vehicle in collection?

How to obtain the collection of his vehicle?

The current holder or the purchaser must obtain an FFVE certificate.
The FFVE (French Federation of Vintage Vehicles) is the body that checks whether the vehicle meets all the criteria for obtaining this certificate after studying the file sent, consisting of a questionnaire and precise photos.
The cost of this certificate is 60 euro (and 30 euro for 2 wheels of 50cm3).
Once this certificate has been obtained, the file must be transmitted to the ANTS to obtain the new registration card bearing the mention “collection vehicle”.

What documents do you need to provide to obtain this FFVE certificate, then its modified registration card?

How much will your registration card cost?

Générateur de documents

Compléter ce formulaire afin de recevoir par email, la liste des documents nécessaires à la procédure.

Document generator

Complete this form in order to receive by email the list of documents required for the procedure.