Online registration service

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Registration of foreign car

Do you have or do you want to buy a vehicle abroad?

When your vehicle arrives in France, you have ONE month to register your vehicle: this period may be too short to collect all the documents, plus the processing time of the file by the State investigating service. The treatment time with the latter can vary from 4 to 6 weeks. The best thing is to obtain (from us, if you wish) a temporary WW for a period of 4 months non-renewable (this provisional WW will cost you 41 euros including service).

Click here to read all the information

We support you in this process, here are the different steps :

Step 1/2

Prepare the list of your documents

Step 2/2

Registration procedure

I don't know the registration number

Select a procedure and your department

Mark :
Model :

Place of purchase :

You have already declared 3 changes of address for this vehicle and you want to declare a 4th (the 3 places on the registration card are occupied) :

Sélectionnez l'objet de la modification :

Camionnette 5 places assises ?

Le code de carrosserie (CE) de votre véhicule est-il camion pick-up (J2 = BE) ?

Véhicule affecté exclusivement à l'exploitation des remontées mécaniques et des domaines skiables ?

Pick-up 5 places J2 = BE non affecté aux domaines skiables

Le véhicule est-il destiné au tranport de voyageurs et de leurs bagages ?

Handicap bodywork / Disability card :

Type of registration :

Has the vehicle been the subject of community acceptance?

Demonstration vehicle?

Collector's vehicle?

Vehicle intended for the transport of goods:

Y1 - Regional tax :
Y1 bis - Additional tax for high power cars :
Y2 - Professional training tax :
Y3 - Additional tax on passenger cars:
Y3 - CO2 passenger car penalty:
Y4 - Management tax:
Y5 - Routing charge:
Y6 - Taxes payable:
A1 - management fees:

The tax (Y3 - CO2 penalty for passenger cars) may be reduced by 20g / km per dependent child from the 3rd and for 1 single vehicle with at least 5 seats per household. This reduction must be requested from the tax office and is subject to reimbursement.

Show price

Here are the steps to register your vehicle in France

1-Otain the tax clearance or depending on the case, the 846 A customs clearance certificate:

The tax quitus : document provided by the tax center on which the buyer of the vehicle depends, certifying that the VAT has been paid somewhere in Europe. It is provided only for vehicles purchased in a country of the European Union: you can ask your tax office or ask us to do it for you – do not hesitate to contact us by phone, by email on this subject. .

846 A: this document is provided by the Customs service after payment of VAT and customs fees. It concerns vehicles acquired in a country which does not belong to the European Union.

2-Obtain the COC (European certificate of conformity)

In most cases, it is essential for registering your vehicle in France. Le prix varie en fonction de chaque constructeur.
Chaque constructeur possède un service homologation auprès duquel vous pouvez vous renseigner. We can also take care of this process for you.

In the event that the vehicle was not built for the European market, and therefore cannot obtain a Certificate of Conformity, it will be possible to obtain an Isolated Title Acceptance Report: the file is submitted to the DREAL closest to you, who will call you to check the vehicle. If your vehicle is over 30 years old, we can obtain an FFVE certificate, which will avoid creating the DREAL file.

3-After having gathered all the necessary documents, we can start the process

Send your entire file by mail and if you wish by email, or via your CUSTOMER AREA.
If you are missing a document, we will contact you by return. You have a telephone number to contact us at any time for the follow-up of your file.


To be able to benefit from your vehicle as soon as it is purchased, we can provide you with a temporary WW which is valid for 4 months, non-renewable, which allows you to use your vehicle legally and to facilitate obtaining insurance in France, in waiting to obtain your final registration.

In which cases do we apply for the registration of a foreign vehicle?

Here is the list of documents to provide to register your vehicle in France from abroad

What is the cost of registering your vehicle?

You can use step 2 of the procedure to determine the cost.

To do this, you will need the following information:

  • The date of 1rst registration
  • The administrative power
  • The CO2 rate
  • The energy
  • The type of vehicle
  • Department of residence
Générateur de documents

Compléter ce formulaire afin de recevoir par email, la liste des documents nécessaires à la procédure.

Document generator

Complete this form in order to receive by email the list of documents required for the procedure.